Athens Insider Summer 2022

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Food & Drink

How to celebrate Ash Monday Like a Greek

With so many Ash Monday dishes to try, this Lenten holiday feels more like indulgence than penance. But what exactly is Ash Monday, or Clean Monday as it is also known? What are you supposed to spend the day doing? And, most importantly, where can you go for delicious meatless food? We’re here to answer all your questions. SOME ...

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Dine Athens Restaurant Week

WHAT: Alpha Bank has successfully organized the premier culinary week of Athens for the last four years under the heading "Dine Athens", inviting the Athenian public to taste specially designed menus at affordable prices. As part of the 4th “Dine Athens Restaurant Week”, from January 28th to February 13th 2020, more than 30,000 Athenians took advan...

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5 Things you need to know about Vasilopita

By now, you’ve probably heard the term “Vasilopita”. Maybe you’ve been to a few celebrations involving the legendary New Year’s bread. Perhaps you’ve even been present as one lucky guest discovered the hidden gold coin inside their slice. But why such big deal over some sweet bread and a coin? Why does this tradition seem to be part of ev...

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How We’ll be Eating in 2020

The beginning of a new decade lends itself to deep self-reflection. What did I achieve? What did I miserably fail at? Why did I kiss that person? Why did I eat and drink so much and what will I eat and drink next? If you’re as over some of last year’s food trends as I am (ice-roll anybody?) I invite you to remain food-positive and look fo...

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Autumn Brunches & Leaves

The golden hues of autumnal leaves have yet to appear in the city. As for Athens, Autumn tends to include all the seasons within the same week. Regardless of the random golf-ball sized hailstorms, swiftly followed by scorching afternoons worthy of the beach, this season calls out for lazy Sunday brunches. Hot, roasted artisanal coffee, fl...

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Elevated Riviera brunching

Mercato introduces Sunday brunch from November 3 through to April, that luxurious meal between breakfast and lunch, a perfect fit for the late-to-bed, late-to-rise Mediterranean lifestyle, with a brunch menu that makes the weekend wait more than worth it! On Sundays, from 12.30pm to 4.30pm, spoil yourself for choice with an ex...

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Summer in a Bottle

Eleni Kefalopoulou raises a glass to Greece’s indigenous whites. The glorious Greek summer is here! A beautiful orange sun warming my back in Byzantine Monemvasia, a walk through Lefkes in Paros, the dry salty wind mixing with the aroma of indigenous flowers, a plunge into the tropical waters of Halkidiki, a coffee in the shad...

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Chef Alain Bossé, The Kilted Chef

Alain Bossé, also known as the Kilted Chef, will be visiting Athens as part of Canada Day celebrations on July 1. He has travelled the world from kitchens to convention centres sharing his expertise and love for buying and eating local ingredients. With his signature tartan kilt, proud Acadian heritage and undeniable flair for...

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Vouliagmeni’s best restaurants right now

From classic spots you know and love to the Athenian Coast’s trailblazers, here is our compilation of dining options in Athens’ preferred summering destination, Vouliagmeni. They may be good-value-for-money, a reliable source of fun, or temples of fine dining – but they all define and capture Vouliagmeni’s classy spirit and island-in-the-...

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Mexican Fiesta for snap-happy Hipsters

Frida Kahlo inspired Coyoacan promises margarita moments and Mexican fare Coyoacan. Named after Frida Kahlo’s birthplace, Coyoacan is recreated in Thisseio.  Escape to this impressive Mexican hacienda, with its unique and imposing Frida murals, neon skulls and retractable roof. The highly Instagrammable spot offers authentic M...

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