City Life
City Life | Apr 2020
Sherri Moshman-Paganos traces the history of the deadly plague that almost decimated Athens in the Peloponnesian War. Thucydides, who so clearly etched the horrors of the Black Death in the ‘History of the Peloponnesian War’ stated that ‘the perceived impact of the Athenian plague was such that people ceased fearing the law since they fel...
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City Life | Apr 2020
The lockdown tested “The I’d never ever” claim in more ways than one. Shirkers became DIY-freaks, workaholics slept in, fashionistas stayed in their pjs, fitness-freaks raided the refrigerator, loud-mouths meditated, junk-food junkies cooked, the slobs tidied up, the OCDs became even more compulsive, everyone hand-washed, binge-watched, ...
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City Life | Apr 2020
Remember the good old days when your first stop was your morning coffee run? Since the coronavirus took over our lives, and our caffeine rituals, we have been reduced to playing wannabe baristas in isolation. Say hello to Dalgona, the viral (!) whipped coffee sensation inspired by a spongy toffee in South Korea that is sending the confine...
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City Life | Apr 2020
To think that the trending topic on Google on January 31 was Corona Beer virus! We’ve come a long way from the pre-confinement naivete of those early days to embrace our lockdown reality but what are our fears, and where do we seek solace? It appears that when confronted with something new, big and scary, we tend to dump our anxieties ont...
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City Life | Apr 2020
The Thessaloniki Film Festival ingeniously pivots the postponement of its Documentary Festival due to the coronavirus pandemic by assigning eleven Greek directors to shoot short films on their new quarantine reality at home.
Harnessing the power and reach of film and the internet and wanting to stay in close touch with their ...
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City Life | Mar 2020
Its April! You're not fooling anyone anymore into believing that taking out the rubbish counts as exercise. Elena Panayides recommends how this solitary yet global experience can be spent uncovering inventive ways to secure your Wellness goals.
Beyond our social-distanced, permission code 6, walking, running and cycling there ...
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City Life | Mar 2020
When did reality become stranger than fiction, and why it is that no April Fools’ gag could be more bizarre than our new normal. Elena Panayides ponders.
Usually around this time of year, you may have wondered how you might prank those nearest and dearest to you. April Fools’ traces back to the 1500s, when it was a rite of Spr...
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City Life | Mar 2020
Celebrated as an inspiration to all occupied peoples to resist Nazi forces, Manolis Glezos, passed away today at the ripe old age of 98. A lifelong activist, Glezos had a stamp issued in his honour by the Soviet Union and was the oldest elected member of the European Parliament, at 91!
It was on May 30, 1941 when two young Gr...
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City Life | Mar 2020
Elena Panayides breaks down the what, when and how of throwing the perfect e-party. Resist the temptation to lounge in your pjs though, she suggests, and tame those eyebrows!
Socialising in the age of social distancing has tethered us even more tightly to our devices, with our not so brave new world condensed i...
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City Life | Mar 2020
This Independence Day offers a rare opportunity to reflect on the ideals our forefathers strove for. The freedoms we take for granted, the fundamental values and the tenets of our society.
'Among all peoples, the Greeks have dreamt life's dream most beautifully.' - Wolfgang Goethe, 1749-1832
It is those beautifully impassio...
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City Life | Mar 2020
The American Women’s Organization of Greece has been busy these past few days sewing surgical masks for the staff at Paidon’s Aghia Sophia and Aghia Kiriakou Hospitals.
A donation of the first 500 masks has already been made as part of AWOG’s Staying Alive project initiated by Dr. Pelagia Karas of AWOG. The masks have 3 layers...
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City Life | Mar 2020
From covidating to quarantunes on Spotify and ‘Will you be my Quarantine’ requests, have you upgraded your jargon, asks Sudha Nair-Iliades
Covidating: The art of dating in the time of Corona. The virus provides ample date fodder without having to chomp on soul-crushing ‘getting-to-know-each-other’ chatter. Skip from pressing q...
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