Athens Insider Summer 2022

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Spotlight on Spetses

Swedish entrepreneur and photographer Lisa Furuland Kotsianis shares her favourite summer snapshots of elegant Spetses, the Argo-Saronic treasure that’s often called  “The Monaco of Greece”. When did your romance with the island of Spetses begin? We met a mere five years ago. But it was love at first sight. [caption id="atta...

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A Sense of Fun at Athens Was

Chef Thodoris Papanikolaou brings a radical and playful culinary philosophy with a side order of glorious Acropolis views to Sense, AthensWas’ magnificent new rooftop restaurant. Sense Fine Dining Restaurant is a testament to Chef Papanikolaou’s remarkable fusion of culinary skills: a playful audacity rooted in Greek gastronom...

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5 Gripping Thrillers set in Greece

Greece has been a powerful muse for countless foreign scribes throughout the ages. Insider’s Leo Nuovo rounds up 5 must-read gripping thrillers set in Greece to add to your reading list. The Destroyers – Christopher Bollen A suspenseful psychological thriller, with the feel of a modern-day The Talented Mr. Ripley, The Destroyer...

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5 Great Classic Novels set in Greece

Greece has been a powerful muse for countless foreign scribes throughout the ages. Insider’s Leo Nuovo rounds up 5 must-read literary classics set in Greece to add to your reading list. The Colossus of Maroussi - Henry Miller The esteemed writer Henry Miller explores human nature and Greece at the same time in The Colossus of M...

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Where Athens’ Aesthetes go to Drink

Boo hoo. The season of the rooftop bar is almost at an end - with many of the city's panoramic outdoor venues moving the action back indoors from October. Take advantage of the last few weeks of this sultry September to imbibe on a creative cocktail or memorable meal at the ultra-stylish Point α Bar & Restaurant at the Herodion Hotel....

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7 Super Food Festivals for Fall

Greeks will find just about any excuse to throw a party.  Especially in the fertile harvest months of Autumn when Nature’s bounty overflows and – life-affirming celebrations abound to honour the traditional delicacies that have shaped the local character and flavours of villages, towns and islands all over Greece. Experience the wonderful...

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Greek Gastronomy Globetrotters

To be an Ambassador for Greek food abroad, it’s essential to do it right.  The most successful overseas Greek culinary ventures have one thing in common: they’ve all managed to import the most defining elements of Greek Gastronomy. Authenticity. Hospitality. And a relaxed “live-to-eat-not-eat-to-live” ethos. Amanda Dardanis goes beyond th...

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Greece: All it can Be!

Greece, apparently, has it all. It now also has a clear vision and consistent strategy to maximise Greece’s tourism potential. A group of eminent Athenians get together over dinner at the elegant Tudor Hall restaurant to discuss a collective, sustainable vision for Greek tourism. In Numbers 28 million Number of tourists in ...

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