Love in the time of Corona

No social kissing, handshakes or getting physical. Eskimo nose-rubs are out, so are full-on smooches on a blind date. Since the coronavirus dictates how we move, touch, interact and express ourselves, here’s Insider’s go-to guide to the near zero-contact greeting!
Elbow rubs
You’ve been rubbing shoulders with the desirables. Time to rub elbows now.
The lowly foot gets an upgrade in social interaction – nothing like a pair of soles connecting after a first meeting. Make sure theres no gum stuck to your bottom and no visible holes in your sneakers.
Finger guns
Keep the 1 metre distance rule and those germs at bay with a friendly, yet threatening finger gun gesture – master it by mimicking a handgun, raising your thumb above your fist to act as a hammer, and one finger pretend-pulling a trigger.
The good old Japanese bow
The lower the better. Bow away to show you care!
You’re still joining hands – this time just your own together. The Indian greeting offers a convenient out from making physical contact while being distant yet friendly.