Corona Viriad 3

John Carr baits you into his virus-obsessed world with an ode to the invisible crown-shaped bug.

‘Tis four weeks now this lockdown weighs
So heavily upon our days,
As we all huddle as in hiding
Awaiting that oh-so-glad tiding
That Covid 19 has at last
Been sent the way of viri past.
But let’s not soak in gloom and doom,
And in our hearts let’s leave some room
For ratiocination pure.
Cast out that televised horse manure
And figure out how this can teach
Us all: did we perchance outreach
Beyond our true capacity,
Guilty of rank audacity,
Grabbing what we wanted all,
Unsuspecting of the fall…?
Enough of this introspection!
Let’s gird our loins up, everyone,
And let us all not cease to shun
The crowds and feasts and just plain fun.
Which we will have again, for sure,
Along as we just take the cure
So sorely needed, mark my words.
Eventually, as immune herds
We’ll thumb our noses at the bug
And meet ts terrors with a shrug,
Going forth gaily with a song —
Until the next one comes along.