Athens Insider Summer 2022

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A life-affirming show

WHAT: An exhibition that pays tribute works of art that were conceived during the quarantine as a defiant affirmation of life. An existential quest that questions our way of life, ruled by deadlines and agendas, that were rendered meaningless and irrelevant by the lockdown. WHEN: Until July 31 WHERE: Zoumboulakis Galleries, Kolonaki Sq 20, At...

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Screen Magic: The 10th Athens Open Air Film Festival airs iconic films in epic settings

Sherri Moshman-Paganos recommends watching iconic films in epic settings as the perfect salve for our confusing times. If you’ve ever wanted to see Alfred Hitchcock’s classic film “Rebecca” against the backdrop of the Temple of Olympian Zeus, you can do that this summer. The 10th Athens Open Air Film Festival has officially started! One o...

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