Athens Insider Summer 2022

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A Beginner’s Guide to Plaka!

Newcomer to Athens, Will Feuer, takes a historical tour inside Athens’ oldest and most famous neighbourhood and discovers a quaint enclave with a modern stance. The past century has seen Athens grow exponentially, swelling in population and pushing its borders farther than ever before as new neighbourhoods and suburbs emerge. ...

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Top 5 Healthfood Stores in Athens 

In our new series on all things health and wellness we recommend the best wellbeing destinations to be found throughout the city. 4 Seasons Bio, Syntagma The most luxurious of Athenian healthfood stores, this one-stop shop serves as an organic market, high-end deli, natural beauty store and general clean lifestyle sup...

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Ruth Padel: Poet of the Labyrinth

A poet, writer, conservationist, musician, archaeologist and Hellenophile, Ruth Padel is someone with the willingness to engage with the big issues, both personal and political.  The vast range of her imagination, intellect and emotional sympathies embrace the worlds within this world and the need for connectivity between them: the bonds ...

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